Through our advanced clinical analytic capabilities MedClaim Solutions can automate the review of your physical medicine claims for medical necessity and appropriateness.
Our clinical rules engine can be applied across all lines of business and utilization management processes. We can customize the analysis to match your benefit design or regulatory environment.
Claim Analysis Reports are generated dynamically in an instant in PDF form for quick save or print.
Medical Claims are scrutinized in depth to identify any Waste and Abuse eliminating financial losses
State-of-the-art web-based technology can perform an automated Pre-Pay analysis, a retrospective audit or a single case analysis.
Our web-based application uses Software as a Service technology utilising Cloud Infrastructure
Through our advanced analytic capabilities MedClaim Solutions can automate the review of your physical medicine claims.
Physical therapy and chiropractic services are compared to evidenced based guidelines (ODG* Treatment Guidelines).
Each CPT code is analyzed individually and based on all other services provided in each date of service, number of units, as well as aggregate services for the entire episode of care.
Our clinical rules engine can be applied across all lines of business and utilization management processes. We can customize the analysis to match your benefit design or regulatory environment.
From an analysis of a single claim, large data analysis of an entire Network, to ongoing concurrent review through electronic data interchange, MedClaim Solutions can manage your physical medicine claims.